Författaren Michael T Clare beskriver i denna artikel hur USA försöker att hålla tillbaka (contain) Ryssland och Kina genom en militär inringning. Det är i detta ljus man måste se NATO:s övningar i Norden, syrienkriget, kriget i Afghanistan, deras baser i södra Korea osv menar Michael Clare.

“In relatively swift fashion, American military leaders have followed up their claim that the U.S. is in a new long war by sketching the outlines of a containment line that would stretch from the Korean Peninsula around Asia across the Middle East into parts of the former Soviet Union in Eastern Europe and finally to the Scandinavian countries. Under their plan, American military forces — reinforced by the armies of trusted allies — should garrison every segment of this line, a grandiose scheme to block hypothetical advances of Chinese and Russian influence that, in its global reach, should stagger the imagination. Much of future history could be shaped by such an outsized effort.”

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