Bryt mot de nya anti-strejkreglerna!

Bryt mot de nya anti-strejkreglerna!

Bilden är från en “Strike Back”-demo 2018. Riksdagen (aka folkets sämsta företrädare) har sagt ja till regeringens förslag om nya anti-strejkregler. De nya reglerna börjar gälla den 1:a augusti 2019. Reglerna är ändringar i den redan existerande...
Lenin and the Militarized Communist Party

Lenin and the Militarized Communist Party

“We are marching in a compact group along a precipitous and difficult path, firmly holding each other by the hand. We are surrounded on all sides by enemies, and we have to advance under their almost constant fire. We have combined voluntarily, precisely for...

We are the initiators

We are the initiators and we should keep this fact deeply in our spirits. This meeting is historic. Comrades, we will pass into history as the initiators. For some time, the Party has been writing this history on indestructible pages. We are the initiators. This first...